Hello, World!

❯ const Nazar = new FrontendDev();

❯ Nazar.name = 'Nazar';

❯ Nazar.age = 25;

my memoji

❯ Nazar.technologies = ['HTML', 'CSS', 'SASS', 'Bootstrap,
'JavaScript', 'React', 'SQL', 'low-code', 'C#];

❯ Nazar.softSkills = ['problem-solving', 'communication',
'time management', 'adaptability', 'active listening];

Hi, I'm Nazar. Nice to meet you!

When I was 14-15 years old, I discovered my love for web design by experimenting with HTML and CSS, building attractive websites for fun. However, at that time, I had not considered pursuing a career in web development.

Over the past six months, I have been improving my frontend development skills while working full-time. On average, I spent three hours a day, resulting in 500-600 hours of study. To learn, I relied mainly on four Udemy courses:

28 h.
Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, Animations

Jonas Schmedtmann

Animations with @keyframes, animation, and transition; the cascade, specificity, inheritance, the box model, value processing, the visual formatting model box types and stacking contexts; SASS variables, nesting, imports, mixins; responsive design, SVG images, Flexbox and Grid layouts; CSS architecture; the NPM ecosystem

69 h.
The Complete Javascript Course

Jonas Schmedtmann

Variables, if/else, operators, boolean logic, functions, arrays, objects, loops, strings; ES6+ features: arrow functions, destructuring, spread operator, default arguments, optional chaining; the call stack, hoisting, scoping, the 'this' keyword, reference values; OOP, asynchronous JavaScript (the event loop, promises, async/await, and error handling)

48 h.
React - The Complete Guide

Maximilian Schwarzmüller

Components, props & dynamic data binding; lists and conditional content; React Hooks and Custom Hooks; Styling React apps; Working with "Fragments" & "Portals"; React Context; Class-based vs functional components; HTTP requests; handling forms; Redux & Redux Toolkit; routing with React Router; introduction into Next.js; authentication in React; React + TS; animations

66 h.
The Complete Web Development Bootcamp

Dr. Angela Yu

A basic introduction to HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 4, Javascript ES6, DOM Manipulation, jQuery, Bash Command Line, Git, GitHub and Version Control, Backend Web Development, Node.js, NPM, Express.js, EJS, REST, APIs, Databases, MongoDB, Authentication, Firebase, React.js, Deployment with GitHub Pages, Heroku and MongoDB Atlas

Throughout these courses, I built several projects that you can check in the section below or go through their GitHub repos.

By taking it upon myself to learn and work towards my goal, in addition to juggling my current job, I am demonstrating my commitment and motivation to becoming a professional frontend developer. I am more than willing to learn and grow for as long as it takes to achieve my goals, as I find this profession to be a perfect fit for me.

I hope this story offers a glimpse into my background and experience level. This portfolio will continue to grow, so be sure to check back often!